Moving Up In Your Career

Moving Up In Your Career



One common question I am often asked by agents is “What do I need to do to move up in my career?”

Not sure there will ever be a simple turn key solution for this question but a few things do quickly stand out to me that can definitely help increase your odds of moving up or finding that desired job that you want to have.

First I always say, “to be trusted with big things, you must first be trusted in smaller things.”  Meaning how well do you do in your current role?  So ask yourself these questions and be honest with your answers:


  1.     Do you currently stand out in performance in your current role?
  2.     If not, do you take intentional steps to learn, grow and improve?
  3.     Are you fully knowledgeable with what you do today?
  4.     Do you show up on time or better yet, early?
  5.     Are you avoiding and staying out of office gossip and drama?
  6.     Do you only point out and complain about problems or do you provide solutions?
  7.     Do you dress for the job you have or the job you want?  Not suggesting you buy a new wardrobe but       you might take some extra time to iron your clothes and look sharp and presentable.
  8.     Do you have a clear understanding of what role you would like to have and are you prepared for           accepting that role today?

These are just a few things that come to the top of my mind when mentoring agents and leaders for preparing for that next role.

To me there is no such thing as luck.  If so, then I would describe luck as when timing and preparation cross.  If you are prepared and the timing isn’t right is about the same as when the timing is right, however you are not prepared.  While you might not have much control over the timing, you clearly have control over whether or not you are prepared.

So begin by taking an inventory of where you are today by asking yourself the questions I have presented and be honest in your answers.  Remember success begins with accepting responsibility over your destiny and making a choice to be successful.

Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.

G.K. Nielson


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